Shifting from B2B to B2C


In the last few weeks, I began seeing some great things happening from some of my local businesses. They have exhibited great adaptability to the current crisis by updating their business model.  

One case that is particularly impressive is that of a local butchery company. They specialise in supplying the hospitality sector, which of late has collapsed. Instead of closing down, they have quickly re-focused on to the direct to consumer market. 

They have been marketing aggressively on digital platforms and in this time of supermarket food shortages, their strategy seems to have paid off.

The key is to utilize what you have and adapt it work for you in new ways, there is no sense in re-inventing the wheel. Most companies that do B2B can move to a successful B2C strategy with only some minor and inexpensive adjustments. In the butcher's case they already had;

  • Website

    • Upgraded to e-commerce

  • Distribution

    • Their vehicles

  • Payment portal

    • Upgraded to pair with their e-commerce

By seizing this opportunity in a time of crisis, they have not only managed to stabilize some of their operations but open a potential new market, which if managed properly will open a new revenue stream in the future.