Office Phones in the age of Work From Home.

As this era of social distancing and work from home is continuing without any signs of ending it is starting to become evident that telework is here to stay.  

What many organisations have begun noticing is that their systems have an Achilles heel, their phone infrastructure. This affects employers with older phone systems.

To cope with their remote employees, companies are forwarding all their calls to their employee mobiles, and this is where the system begins to fail. Every time the company receives a call it will use 2 lines, one line for the incoming call and one more for the forwarding, effectively halving their capacity in an instance.

This can be remedied relatively quickly and inexpensively by moving to a VOIP PBX. This would convert your phone lines from physical lines to virtual lines, and in most cases, this will provide to be more economical than a conventional system.  

With the modern systems you have the choice of handsets, they can be either hard or soft, and with either solution, you will receive voicemail to email

Hard phones

  • Looks and works like a traditional office phone

  • Will work the same anywhere that has internet. 

    • If you take it home your extension works in the same manner as it did when it was in the office

  • Has to be either leased or purchased.

  • Softphones

    • Can be installed on any mobile phone or computer

      • Preserves all operational aspects from an office phone

        • Number

        • Extensions

    • Will not cost the employee anything to make or receive calls from it, as it comes under your office calls

    • Will work anywhere there is an internet connection, including abroad.

The bottom line is this new wave of technology brings us is reliability, scalability and flexibility, which previously has been unheard of, and is a must for any modern company.  

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