The secret world of Merch!!!

If your lockdown has been anything like mine, you have had more time to fall down the rabbit hole that is the internet, especially anything with videos.  

One trend that has been propping up is that of the host of a particular channel (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Ticktock, etc.) is supplementing their income via merch, or merchandise if you want to be proper.  

Previously the only way that you could achieve this was by purchasing a relatively large amount and holding inventory, after all, its branded with your info. Therefore the barrier to entry is very high as well as not having much flexibility.  

All you need now is to set up an online shop like Shopify, and for as little as $29 per month, you can have your e-commerce site. And with their network of partners, you can have bespoke merchandise and are free to start with and only require you to pay for the cost of the product and shipping after someone has placed an order.  

Holding inventory is a thing of the past, and as long as you explain your terms and conditions you will have happy customers propagating your brand.

Happy branding!!!

P.S. If you would like to learn more about how to do your own on-demand branding take a look at this article.

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