Are we catering to the lowest common denominator?

Have we stopped challenging our audience or should we have to spoon feed the reader every step of the journey?

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As we grow, we are taking some time to look at the path that has brought us here.  In this case it is the approach we have taken when developing our website.  One of the most frequent criticisms we receive are that we are assuming a lot about the base knowledge of our reader. 

For better or worse I feel that it should continue to be this way, as the product we provide does not appeal to everyone and if we burden the main content and message with additional explanations it will alienate our core user.  

This does not mean that we should alienate the uninformed, whilst they might not be prospective customers now, we feel that one day they could be and that we should do everything in our power to help everyone.

Therefore, I am pleased to announce that we are dedicating several areas of our website to educations.  In the coming weeks we will be growing Michael’s picks to be more inclusive as well as introducing a FAQ to address most questions.

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