Kontroll Solutions

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The barriers to entry have been taken off their hinges.

One of the surprising results that have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, is that it has either removed or significantly lowered the barriers to entry in many fields.  This is not industry-specific rather it can be applied to a multitude of fields, from manufacturing to tourism.

These advantages are not limited to newcomers, this is a new level playing field for everyone.   Wether you are a startup or an established brand that wants to branch out in to a new direction, the opportunity is there.

Consumers throughout this pandemic have become both more curious and more understanding.  They understand that we are in uncertain times and that change is ever present.  You will not be penalised for a "rough" look.  A good example of this is the recent democratic convention coverage in the USA.  It was a glorified Zoom meeting which was broadcasted internationally.  A clear example of content trumping style.

Don't let perfect become the enemy of good.  You will not lose sales because your website has the wrong shade of purple, rather you will lose sales because your website is not up, or is outdated.

This is the time in which we will see the creation of new market leaders in many fields, and in some sectors it will be newcomers to the field. The consumer will be looking for someone who will fully address their new needs in this new reality.

Some companies that have started on the right track and are an examples of how one can not only survive but rather thrive during this pandemic are;

John Gilmour Butchers https://www.gilmourbutchers.com, offering their good previously only available to the hospitality sector direct to consumers.

Scottish Food and Drink Tours https://www.scottishfoodanddrinktrails.com. offering personalised 1 to 1 tours.

Like the above companies you need to ask yourself, what do I have that can be adapted to the rapidly changing needs of the new post COVID consumer? Adapting is key, don’t be confined by your past, look in to the future, focus on getting ahead of the curve, and get a leg up on your competition.